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Setting up an Automated Email with your Google Review Link
Setting up an Automated Email with your Google Review Link

This article will give you the step-by-step process on how to create an automated email to send your Google Review link to the clients

Peter Posada avatar
Written by Peter Posada
Updated over a week ago

There are three main actions to successfully set up this automated email:

  • Create the Email Template

  • Set up the Email Event

  • Turn on the Email Event

Create the Email Template:

First, go to Email--> My Email Templates and click on Add Email Template:

Now, add a Name for the template, for this case, you can name it "Google Review request for clients".

The Subject is basically the email subject, it is what the client will see when the email arrives in their inbox.

If you don't use multiple containers we would recommend leaving the default suggestion:

For this email template, is not necessary to check any boxes below the naming section, continue to the Email Template Editor.

The Email Template Editor is where you are going to add the greeting message and paste the Google Review Link, you can use the formatting tools above the editor to enhance the presentation.

**Remember that you can use replacement values for the Template to take the information from the order and place it in the email body, for example:




How to Get the Google Review Link:

  1. Go to your Google Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.

  2. To find your review link:

    • With Google Search, select Ask for reviews.

    • With Google Maps, select Customers --> Reviews --> Get more reviews.

  3. Share the link with your customers directly or use the sharing options provided.

Copy the link and paste it into your template.

Example of an Email Template containing the Google Link and using Replacement Values:

Hello %clientsfirstname%,

Thank you for trusting %company% to perform the inspection at %inspectionaddress% on %inspectiondatetime%.

As a valued client, we'd like to ensure you're satisfied with your inspection. We'd love to hear about your experience with %company%. If you could take a few minutes to leave us a review on Google, we'd greatly appreciate it!

To write your review, just click the link below and let us know your feedback!

[Google Review LINK]

Thanks in advance for your review. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments.




Hyperlinking your Google Review page with any text or image:

Sometimes Links on their own do not look as aesthetic as we want, if you want to have the client click on a word or an image to open a specific link, follow the steps from the article How to Add a Hyperlink to an Email Template.

Once you have added your company Google Review Link in the email body, scroll all the way to the bottom of that page and click on Save Template:

Now, it's time to create the Email Event to have the Template automatically sent from the order.

Set up the Email Event

Now let's get the Template to be automatically sent from the order.

  • Navigate to Email -- Email Events

  • Click on Add Event:

  • First, name the Event, again you can use something similar to "Google Review request for clients":

  • Next, set up the Sender, you can use the options on the right side to add them with one click:

  • Now, set the triggers. This will define when you want to have the Email Event sent, it can be 5 days after the inspection is completed, paid, and signed, that'll give you time to finish the report, and send it to the client to read it:

  • From the "Who will receive this Email" dropdown, select the recipient, in this case, it's the client.
    In the dropdown below (What Template should be used), select the one that you previously created ("Google Review request for clients"):

It's not necessary to change or enable any of the following settings unless you require them.

Once you have finished, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Add Email Event":

Turn On the Email Event

After creating the Event, the last step is to "Turn it On".

  • Go back to Email -- Email Events

  • Locate the Email Event that you have just created and click on the switch at the far left side to enable it:

And that's it!

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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