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Reviewing Repair Request Lists

This is an article for agents on how to use the Repair Request Lists

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over a week ago

Here's the step by step on using the Repair Request List in your Real Estate Dashboard:

Reviewing Repair Request Lists

Step 1: Open your Real Estate Dashboard and click on the options toggle.


Step 3: You'll see a recent list of inspections (from the last 90 days), if you don't see the inspection you're looking for you can use the Search to search the address. Once you have the inspection, click View

Step 4: You'll see all of the Repair Requests for your order listed here:

Step 5: You can click on any of them to expand the repair request out:

From here you can select an Option to either Repair, Replace, Fund,  or Other as a response to the request item and then hit next, or previous as necessary to move between items.
Additional photos, comments, and descriptions can be added here as well.

Step 6: Once finished adding all items, click Download to get your PDF file.

This downloads the file to your device which you can open to review prior to sending to the client.

More Info:

If you have any doubts or questions about this process please let us know!

You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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