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Transaction Coordinator profile
Transaction Coordinator profile

What is a Transaction Coordinator, what it is used for, how this feature works

Peter Posada avatar
Written by Peter Posada
Updated over 2 years ago

Real Estate Agencies sometimes have staff members with administrative roles and responsibilities. One type of job is to handle the transactions happening for one or more agents simultaneously to bring those transactions to a close. That role is performed by the Transaction Coordinator. They can be from the same agency or a third party.

Some of their tasks may be to manage the documentation regarding the property, be the point of contact for the different parties involved, follow up with the Agents' tasks and appointments, manage third parties services, and more.

In ISN you can create the TC (Transaction Coordinator) profile so that person can have full visibility of the inspection data, including the inspection report, of orders where an Agent or Agents of the same agency are involved.

This article explains how to create the TC profile, how to add a transaction coordinator to an agent profile, and how to identify the TC for an agent.

We also share the link to the article that explains how to access the RED (Real Estate Dashboard) to have full visibility of the agents’ orders.

How to create the TC profile

The first step is to create a regular Agent profile, to do that follow the next path:

Clients / Agents --> Agents --> Agents:

Now, above the Agent list click on the option to "+ Add Agent":

Next, fill in the TC basic information such as Name, Last Name, Email address, Phone Number, and Agency. Once you have finished, scroll down to the bottom of that page to "Save Agent".

How to assign the TC to an Agent

First, search for the newly created Agent profile in the Agent list (Clients / Agents --> Agents --> Agents), once you have located it, click on the pencil icon to edit the profile (if you are already in the new profile there's no need to follow the path):

Once in the TC profile, locate the section named Transaction Coordinator and select "This Agent is a Transaction Coordinator".

That action will display a search field from where you can search and assign an agent to that TC.

Remember to save your changes!

How to identify a TC on the Agent's profile

There are two ways to see who the TC is:

From the agent's profile:

Open the Agent's profile and go to the "Transaction Coordinator Agents" section, there you will see who's the Current TC Agent:

The assigned TC agent's profile can also be accessed and edited using the "i" icon, and removed using the trash can icon.

From the Agent List (Agent Grid):

Above the Agent List at the far right, you'll see the "Columns" option. By clicking on it you can enable the TC agent column:

Don't forget to save your changes!

This is what the TC Agent column looks like in Agent List. If an agent has a TC, it will display its name, if the agent is a TC it will display a blue checkmark:

Transaction Coordinator Real Estate Dashboard

Every TC created in ISN will have access to the RED of every Agent assigned.

You will find a step-by-step guide by clicking here.

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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