If you have ever sent in a feature request to ISN, or are thinking about submitting one, here is some information on what to expect.
Submitting a Feature Request
There are two ways to submit a feature request to ISN:
1. Through User Voice
A tutorial for on how to submit feature requests via User Voice can be found here
2. Through Our Help Site
If you would prefer sharing your suggestion with a member of our technical support team, we are happy to accommodate! Simply open up a chat, or email us at help@inspectionsupport.com and send us your suggestion.
Once the conversation pops up on our end, a member of the technical support team will confirm receipt, and send the suggestion over to our product and development team.
Whichever way you choose to submit the request is up to you! Both methods pass through the same channels and are reviewed in the order received.
Reviewing, Categorizing, Assigning
Once submitted, our product team will review and categorize new suggestions. Some things considered during this process are:
What other parts of the system might this feature affect?
Based on that information, is there anything that needs to be done before this work can be started?
How much testing will be involved in this process?
How many ISNs or users does this affect?
Our product and development team generally have their work planned out 3-4 weeks ahead of time, and work on different parts of the system on a rotating basis. Feature suggestions are added into a backlog, and assigned out as often as possible.
Although we can't promise every feature suggestion will become a feature, we do take your feedback seriously. Your success is our business, and we are committed to providing you high quality home inspection software!
It is important to note that the technical support team does not have any control over if and when a feature is sent into production, and that submitting a feature request does not guarantee it will be made into a feature.