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Add a Feature Suggestion

This article covers adding a feature suggestion to the ISN product team.

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over a year ago

Have an idea for a feature that you would like to see in ISN? Want to see what other ISN users are requesting as new features? The Inspection Support Network provides a way to submit an idea for a feature and to see what others are asking about as well so you can upvote other ideas, add comments on them, and more.

To create a new suggestion or see what others are suggesting you have two options:

Option #1:

You can click on "Help" (#1) and then choose "Submit Feedback" (#2) as shown below:

Or Option #2:

Access the live chat feature within ISN, for that you can either (#1) click on Help--Live Chat, or (#2) click the chat icon on the upper right-hand side of ISN's page:

A new window will open on the lower right-hand section of ISN where you would normally start a chat with us, instead, you'll scroll to the bottom and click on "Give Feedback":

After clicking it you will be presented with a new menu within the chat window where you will have different options:

  1. Using the "+" green option you will be able to create a new suggestion, we'll talk about this further in this article.

  2. You can sort other users' suggestions by relevance, trending, or new, as well as select a particular category and sort by it only

  3. You can search using keywords to narrow your results.

  4. This option will show notifications on updates to any of your suggestions, or suggestions you have upvoted or participated in.

  5. Clicking this will upvote the suggestion, there is no limit on how many suggestions you can upvote now so click on as many as you want.

  6. When clicking the suggestion you will be able to expand it and interact with it further.

  7. Shortcut to view and add a comment to an already created suggestion.

As soon as you click the "+" green option this is the information we will need from you for this new suggestion:

  1. Select a category from the drop-down list, if you do not see one that fits the idea feel free to select "Uncategorized".

  2. Enter a short title that will be shown in the list of all suggestions for everyone to see. As soon as you enter a title the system will show similar suggestions that have already been submitted to avoid duplicates, in those cases feel free to upvote the original one or even add comments if you think there is more to add.

  3. Add as many details as you want, the more descriptive you can be the best for our team if/when the idea goes into production.

  4. Feel free to add pictures if you think they will help clarify your idea or to show what section are you looking at.

  5. Click to submit the idea

  6. You can go back to the previous menu.

If instead you decide to look at the other suggestions, when you click on one you will be presented with this window where you can further interact with the suggestion:

  1. Click this option to upvote the idea.

  2. You will be able to look at the description posted with this submission.

  3. You can add a comment if you'd like to leave your input for the idea.

  4. You can also like and reply to individual comments within a submission, and by scrolling down you will see all other comments related to this one submission.

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.


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