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Create a New Email Event

This article covers creating an email event in your ISN.

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over 2 years ago

The following article will walk you through on how to create/add a New Email Event

Navigate to Email -- Email Events

And click on Add Event:

Once on this page, fill out each field, pick what Email Template is to be used in this Email Event by selecting the template from the drop down, what will trigger the event, who is to receive the email, when, and for what inspection types.
โ€‹Note: If you're sending an agreement or a report link with this email event be SURE to check off the appropriate box at the bottom for tracking purposes.

  • Name of this Email Event: This is an internal name for the email event so you can identify it easily.

  • Sender's Name and Sender's Email Address: This is what the person receiving the email will see as far as who sent them the email.

  • Enter Blind Carbon Copy email (bcc): Use this if you want to add an email address that always receives a copy of the email but is not shown to anyone else.

  • Select What Triggers this Email Event: You can choose what causes the email event to get sent out.

  • Who will receive this Email: Select who you are sending the email to.

  • What Template should be used: This will let you select what email template goes out with this email event.

  • When should we send this Email: select the delay before the email is sent out.

  • This event is valid for these Inspection Types: Select which inspection types this email event will be able to automatically go out for.

  • This event is valid for a PAYMENT/SIGNATURE status of: This will allow you to set up the event to only go out if the inspection is paid for, not paid for, signed, or unsigned.

Once you have added the new Email Event, navigate back to the Email Event grid, Email -- Email Events, locate the new Email Event just added and turn it on.

This new email event will now be sent out for all new orders after the event is created (see the When to Send/Send For column for the start date of the email event).

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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