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7/23/24 Updates
Written by Lindsay Grimm
Updated over 8 months ago


Created a new notes field to the Radon control on the Order Form. We also added a new Radon notes replacement value %radon-event-notes% that can be added to calendar events.

Created a new API to help with searching, sorting and filtering inspections.

Created a new API to send the Real Estate Dashboard link to an agent's mobile number.

Previously on the Zip Code Fees page, all data for every Zip Code Fee was being sent to the backend. For companies with a lot of zip code fees set up, this was causing data to go missing and be deleted. This change now only sends the changed data to the backend, making it more efficient and safer.

When re-ordering an inspection, we know pull all clients from the original order into the new/re-ordered inspection.


Made some fixes to the Inspector Earnings report:

  • Front end optimizations

  • Show inspections with $0 fee in the report output

  • Fixed the way fees are displayed in report output

Fixed an issue where the Online Scheduler is accepting an order where duration was too long to fit into the available time slot.

Fixed an issue where Online Scheduler appointment slots were not being suggested with inspectors. This was causing orders to get scheduled without inspectors, causing calendar and scheduling issues.


The engineering team continues to make upgrades to our system to help things run smooth and fast.

If you have any questions about this information please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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