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3/5/24 Updates
Written by Lindsay Grimm
Updated over a year ago


Continued making system updates to improve performance and efficiency.

Added a column to the Agreements page (only visible to ISN Admins) to assist with finding and troubleshooting agreements with Smarty templates.

Visual update to the My SMS Templates page.

Updated Guardian's FlexFund agreement language.

Added logging to help determine why custom control information was being wiped on certain orders


Fixed an issue where the Online Scheduler window was getting cut off on mobile displays.

Fixed an issue where the Online Scheduler edit button in the side nav was not working

Fixed an issue where ISN Remote Manager was not removing footprints.

Fixed an issue where email events involving attachments were sending immediately upon order creation, even when no attachments existed on the order yet.

Fixed an issue where we were not capturing the right fees when a user entered 0 square feet and there is a fee associated with a square foot fee range that includes 0.


We continue to make updates to the appearance of ISN. All the same functionality remains but with a new fresh look and feel.

The engineering team is also working hard to make upgrades to our infrastructure. This includes enhancements to logging, speed, performance, and architecture upgrades.

If you have any questions about this information please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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