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Learn about and how to use sections

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over a week ago

A Section is a major building block for your templates and reports. It is one of the repeatable content pieces of your PDF. It is also where most of your data entry takes place.

The major parts of a section:

  1. The section title and toolbar

  2. The subsections within, which have a title and toolbar of their own

  3. Controls within the subsections

  4. Photos for the subsection (if applicable)

  5. Remarks for the subsection, and photos in each remark

Section Title and Toolbar

  1. Toggle it so the section does not print in the PDF

  2. Manually set the section complete or incomplete

  3. Duplicate the section

  4. Edit the section's properties (name, title, etc)

  5. Add a new subsection to this section

  6. Delete this section

  7. Set this section's title to not print in the PDF

  8. Flag this section for another inspector or for any purpose to draw attention to it

  9. More options (page breaks, table of contents, etc)

Subsection Title and Toolbar

  1. Toggle it so the subsection does not print in the PDF

  2. Manually set the subsection complete or incomplete

  3. Edit the subsection's properties, including the size (# of rows and cols), name, and title

  4. Delete the subsection

  5. More options (page breaks, table of contents, etc)


If you have permission, you can delete and edit the properties of existing controls by clicking on the "Edit" button in the report toolbar:


If applicable (not every template has this option) you can add photos directly to the subsection. These photos tend to display in the PDF without any comments and are used for a general view.

Adding Remarks

You can add remarks in three (3) ways:

  1. Quickly search for a remark

  2. Access the Remark Library

  3. Type a new remark

  4. This is to adjust how the remarks for this subsection print in the PDF

Remark Toolbar & Content

  1. Delete remark

  2. Insert photo

  3. Edit remark HTML

  4. Send remark to summary

  5. Move remark up

  6. Remark remark down

  7. Use the remark in a Repair Request List (if applicable)

  8. The tab for the remark content

  9. The tab for the summary content, and a list of current Summary Types the remark is assigned to

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