When working on a report in CloudInspect you'll see a pane on the far right side where you can upload a set of photos to be used all across the report:
You can add photos here by clicking on the Camera icon in the upper right or set a property photo by clicking and dragging one of the other images into that square.
Each section and any Remarks used will have a spot to add photos as well:
You can use the Camera Icon in these areas, or drag any photos from the right-side photo panel and drop them into those sections.
Clicking on the camera icon will bring up a modal window where you can search through the photos already loaded to that report, or upload one from your device:
Photo Status Icons
CloudInspect will load photos intelligently and we show you the status indicator for those photos as you add them.
Red - The photo is stored in RAM / local storage
Yellow - The photo is uploading
Green = The photo uploaded and is good to go!