Template Editor FAQ
Diego Ceja avatar
Written by Diego Ceja
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will find some of the most frequently asked questions that users have. If you cannot find the answer to your questions please don't hesitate to contact our support team by chat, email at help@inspectionsupport.com, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

Can I import my templates from other report writers?

We're working hard to develop more options and the feature to import templates is definitely one of our priorities, stay tuned for updates on when this exciting new feature will be released.

Can all my inspectors see the templates I create in ISN?

Yes your inspectors will have access to all the template library. They will be able to use any of the published templates regardless of who the creator is.

Can I customize my own colors for the Ratings?

At the moment we don't have a color editor or an HTML code importer. Current color options for ratings are the only ones available.

Can I create duplicate templates, in case I want to make adjustments to an existing template?

Although there isn't a feature to clone/duplicate a template, you can create a new template based on an existing one. That way you can make any adjustments without affecting the original template.

Can I assign a template to my services or inspection types in ISN?

Although there is a drop-down menu to choose an inspection type when you are creating a new template, that will not be used for anything else rather than Informational proposes. The templates will have to be manually selected when you create an inspection. The template selection can't be automated at this time.

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at help@inspectionsupport.com, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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