The template editor is a powerful tool that you can use to create templates that can be used in your Mobile Report Writer. The templates created in this tool can save you time by having pre-written text that can be used during an inspection.
The Template Editor can be found in Settings > Office Settings
Once you access the Office Settings please find the section "Inspection and Fee Settings" and select Inspection Template Editor.
You will see the following screen:
1.- The Search Box will help you easily find an specific template.
2.- The Add New button will be used to create a new template.
3.- The "Export" feature will be used to download a CSV file that contains the titles of the templates, creation date, update date etc.
4.-The "Active" button is used to turn off/on a template. By turning off the template it won't be visible in the mobile report writer template options.
5.- The pencil icon will open the template settings so you can edit the categories, items, narratives (comments/details) and the ratings.
6.- The trash can icon will delete the template.
Note: It is not possible to delete built in templates.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our support team by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.