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Fee Options & Calculators

The following article will describe the checkbox options available for fees in the Fees settings.

Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to Settings -- Office Settings -- Inspection and Fee Settings -- Fees:

When editing or adding a fee, you'll see the fee options (left previous fee interface / right new fee interface):

But, what do they do? The fee checkbox options are as follows:

Primary: There can only be one fee with the primary box checked. If checked, this will base the fee on the square footage calculator.
Never Hide: Always show the name of the fee on all correspondence that lists inspection fees.
Re-order: Option to set up a fee to work as your default re-order fee.
Allow Notes: A box to allow you to type additional notes about a specific inspection fee. Those notes are internal by default but can be shown to the client.
Can Apply Coupons: This allows you to apply coupons to the fee.
Outsourced: Gives you the option to add the fee to an 'outsourced' box that appears below the original fee once a value has been added to it.

ISN will still charge your client for the actual fee but that outsourced fee will not be included in your weekly/monthly/yearly gross totals.

The Fee Calculators can be included in each Fee by checking the boxes:

If the SQFT Calculator is greyed out and can't be checked, that means that the Fee you are editing is the Primary Fee and this fee uses the SQFT Calculator by default:

If you have any doubts or questions about this process please let us know!

You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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