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Logging into your Agents RED

How-to guide for logging into the Real Estate Dashboard (RED) as the agent.

Kendale Laws avatar
Written by Kendale Laws
Updated over a week ago

You now have the ability to log into an agent's RED profile using the button under the RED link in their profile.

If the Agent is already registered to use their RED, clicking the button will take you directly to their dashboard.

If the Agent has not registered to use their RED yet and you attempt to log into their RED as them, it will take you to the registration page. We recommend asking the agent to register themselves, once done, you will be able to log in as them to help as needed. For more information on the registration process, click here.

When a user, with permissions, logs into an Agents RED, the system log will record this information.

Privacy is something to be taken very seriously, which has prompted these changes.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 700-8112, or you can email us at or open a chat in the upper right corner of your ISN!

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