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Default Control - Client
Peter Posada avatar
Written by Peter Posada
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how the "Client" Control works.

By default, this Control is available in your Order Form within the Client Tab. Just as the name says, this section will allow you to add the Client's contact information for the order.

If for some reason you accidentally delete the tab and/or the Control, or want to customize your Order Form in a different way than it is currently set up, you can follow the steps of the next article to Add Controls to the Order Form)

These are the Client settings that you have to set up before adding it to the Order Form Sections:

1.- It is a preview of how this Control will look like in the Order Form

2.- The Control Dropdown (here is where you select the Control to add to your system)

3.- How would you like to name the Control in your ISN

4.- Short description, you can use Client, it's pretty straightforward

Once you have finished setting up the Control, click on the Add Control button to save it.

You will be sent back to the Order Controls. Now, if you want that Control to be added to the Order Form, make sure that the "Show in Order Form" option in the 6th column is checked in Green:

This is how the Client Control will look like in your Order Form:

You can Add a New Client, or Search for an Existing Client that was involved in a previous order to fill up this section with the same data.

If you select the option to add a new client, the Control will look like the image below (for the article purpose, we have divided the Client Control into 5 sections):

A.- Client's basic info, such as name, email, and website.

B.- You have 3 options:

  1. Add New Client: Basically, it will delete all the data if you have previously entered any.

  2. By clicking on Search for an Existing Client, it will open a bar from which you can search for a client from your ISN database. It will suggest you the results according to the character match, the more specific, the faster you will find the client.

  3. The No Client for this Inspection button will block this Control and let you continue the order without having a client, this works when your point of contact or client is the Agent.
    After selecting the option it will pop up a message to confirm that the order will not include a client, after clicking OK it will go back again to the screen saying that the inspection does not have a client.

NOTE: if you accidentally assign an existing client to the wrong order and want to change the data, DO NOT edit the client information directly from the fields (section A) as it will replace the client name for all the inspections previously involved. Use the "Add New Client" or "Search for an Existing Client" buttons instead.

C.- Client's address information
​D.- Here you can add the contact information. Also, you will see two checkboxes; the first one is to confirm that the client has given you the approval to send him/her SMS Events, and, the second checkbox is to Opt-out his contact information from any Porch communication.

E.- In the last section, you can select the Labels available and any extra notes to have added to the user's profile, the system will also add any relevant notes like when an email address is not receiving your emails from ISN.

Note: Using labels will help you a lot to send communications in your ISN, you can click on the next link to learn how to Create Client Labels.

NOTE: if you accidentally assign an existing client into the wrong order and want to change the information already populated, DO NOT edit the client information directly from the fields (section A) as it will replace the client's name for all the inspections previously involved. Use the "Add New Client" or "Search for an Existing Client" buttons instead.

If you have any questions about this information please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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