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R.E.D Registration Process

How the secure RED registration works, and how we can advise realtors about the changes and process

Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over a week ago

In an effort to enhance security and overall experience for your agents, some improvements have been made to the Real Estate Dashboard.

These changes include better security when logging into the real estate dashboard, as they will be prompted to create a unique password when they open the RED app.

This article includes instructions on how to create these credentials and will propose a template you can use to mass email your agents, which will show them how to create their own credentials into the application.


Upon opening the RED link contained in the email the realtors will receive, they will see the following screen, reflecting the email address the realtor has in your ISN records (they will not have the option to change it, the agent will need to contact you if any changes need to be made):

The realtor will have to click on Register. Then, they will be advised to check their emails for the registration link:

The email will contain the link the realtor has to open to continue with the process

The link will bring the realtor back to the register screen, where they'll need to choose a password. Then, they'll have to click on Register:

And that should be it! Once they click on Register, they should be logged into their RED.

Email Template proposal

Hi [agent name],

Hope you are doing well! We wanted to let you know that the next time you log into your Real Estate Dashboard (RED), it is going to look a little different.

ISN has added an additional verification step for all agents who use the RED. This security enhancement will add an additional layer of protection to your
inspection information, including reports and repair requests, lists, and paves the way for additional RED enhancements in the future.

The next time you open up your RED app, you will be greeted with a prompt to complete a one-time sign-up and registration process.

Here is what the pop-up will look like (the prefilled email address is the one we currently have in our records):

Once you click the “Sign Up” button, you will see this pop-up:

Check your email for the registration link. It should look something like this:

Click/tap on the link, and that should bring you back to the registration page, where you'll have to choose a password and click on Register:

And that's it! You should be able to log into your RED again.

Privacy is something to be taken very seriously, which has prompted these changes.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 700-8112, or you can email us at or open a chat in the upper right corner of your ISN!

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