When creating an SMS Event, you'll often have it sent a few minutes or a few hours after an order is created. If you happen to be entering an order at night, you may not want SMS Events to be sent to clients, agents, etc... late at night. You can enable 'Do Not Disturb' hours for this now in ISN.ย
Messages configured to send during this window will be paused until your sending window opens back up.
First, you'll log in to ISN and navigate to Settings -- Office Settings -- SMS Options.
Once on that page, scroll down and enable the 'Do Not Disturb Settings'.ย
Now you'll select the hours that you DO NOT want messages to send from your ISN.
Be sure to SAVE!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team. You can click the chat bubble towards the top of your ISN or give us a call. (800)700-8112.