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SMS - How it works with Basic

This article describes how the Basic SMS functionalities of ISN Work.

Emilie Hill avatar
Written by Emilie Hill
Updated over a week ago

With basic SMS functions in your ISN you can:

  • View SMS Events Sent from your ISN

  • View Replies sent from people in your ISN.

Note: Basic SMS does not support sending/receiving Rich media, photo, video, or PDF texts. You'll need to upgrade to premium tier.

View/Send Messages From your ISN

First navigate to: SMS -- View/Send Messages

From here you'll see a feed of all of the SMS Events that send from your ISN and the replies that are routed back.

  1. This is a clickable, scrollable list of messages sent and received from your ISN. 

  2. This is the indicator that if you keep scrolling, more messages will load!

  3. You can click "Upgrade to Premium" if you want to use a dedicated number and our SMS/MMS Features!

From the messages view you can also click on an individual message and this modal will pop up:

Possible statuses:

  • Queued: It is ready to send at any minute, just waiting it's turn

  • Sent: It has been sent from our system

  • Received: We received a specific message from their carrier that it was received

View/Send Messages on Order View

On the Order View screen in your ISN, you can view messages to and from any people affiliated with that order. This modal will auto-filter to only show messages sent within 2 days of the order being scheduled in your ISN.
Note: you'll need to have the SMS History window enabled on Order View. You can do that by following these steps.

If the order is completed, messages will pull in up to 2 days before and after the inspection date or completed date.

Basic (read-only view):

If you have any doubts or questions about this process please let us know!

You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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