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Send Payment Request

Have ISN help you collect payment for services

Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over a week ago

A commonly encountered need during the life cycle of an inspection is when your clients and agents ask for an add-on service after payment has been made for the primary services. Collecting payment for additional charges is easier and faster with the Send Payment Request feature of the ISN.

To utilize this feature, you must:

  1. Have an active Payment Processor selected in the ISN Payment Settings

  2. Have the View Inspection Payment Information privilege active in your user account

Sending a payment request will send an email, using a template of your choice (you can also use our pre-written template), to the recipient payor of your choice. You enter the amount, optionally select the services this is for, and optionally provide notes for the recipient to see when go to pay. The email will contain a link in it which, when clicked, will take the recipient to the payment form.

To start sending payment requests, just use the "Send Payment Request" option in the "Actions" dropdown for an order:

NOTE: You can also access the Actions Menu from the Order View. In the Order Grid, click on the information icon (i):

Under Actions, you will see the "Send Payment Request" option:

The request form has several areas that require input:

  1. Template - this is the email template the recipient will receive

  2. Amount - use the amount due, total fee, or a custom amount

  3. Payor/Recipient - use the Client, Agent, Insurance Agent, or other contacts on the order

  4. Services/What For - check the services being paid for, or omit them and provide payment notes

You can choose to use ISN's default language or select any email template from your system to send.

Whichever you choose, you'll see a preview to the right

In this example, I'm going to charge the seller's agent $150 for the termite portion of my order.

Click Send and you're all set. They will receive the email with a link to pay for your specified amount.

Below is an example of the email they will receive when using ISN's default language.

When the payment link is clicked, here is an example of the payment screen they will be directed to.

You can also track within an order if a payment request was ever sent, for how much and who it was sent to.
Just view your order and look under your "Inspection Order Notes".

When the Payment Request is received & subsequently paid the payor will receive an emailed receipt confirming their payment.

Payment Request Email Template Replacement Values

If you are creating your own template to send for a payment request, please review this list of replacement values(RVs) that you can use within your Payment Request email template:

If you have any doubts or questions about this process please let us know!

You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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