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ISN & Zapier: Export Info From ISN

This article shows you how to send information from ISN into Zapier

Julian Hawkins avatar
Written by Julian Hawkins
Updated over a month ago

Please Note: For information on how to connect your ISN to your Zapier account, click here.

While setting up your Zapier/ISN app, you'll need to tell Zapier which ISN to talk to.
Hit the Create Zap button. (note: after this step, you can name your Zap at any time in the upper left).

Then, you'll need to select creating a custom Zap or starting with an email template, depending on your goal. (note: Most companies select 'Create a Custom Zap' for full customization and data settings.

Type 'ISN' into the search bar to select the ISN 'beta app.

To select a Trigger Event select the dropdown menu, and once a trigger has been selected press 'Continue.'

Here are the 8 Triggers that are currently available:

  1. Order Paid - This triggers when a payment has been received for an inspection order and is marked as paid in the ISN.

  2. Order Scheduled - This triggers when you schedule and unscheduled inspection (hit the green 'Schedule' button on the last step of the order edit process)

  3. Order Signed - This triggers when all required agreements for an inspection order have been signed.

  4. Order Complete - This triggers when you complete the order.

  5. Order Created - This triggers when you create an order (not to be confused with "scheduling" the order.

  6. Order Canceled - This triggers when an order is canceled.

  7. Agent Information - This triggers when agent information is entered in the order.

  8. Client Information - This triggers when client information is entered in the order.

Next, you'll need to 'Choose an Account.' Select the dropdown menu to the right to choose ISN.

Then, you'll be prompted to connect Zapier to your ISN account using 3 major keys located in your ISN at Settings > My Access Keys. Which you can simply copy and paste from your ISN into the Zapier app.

Once you have that filled then in, select Yes, Continue.

FYI: The same steps can be taken to setup a zap for each of the available Triggers.

Finally, you'll need to test the action so that Zapier knows the connection is working!
You'll need to Create a new order in the ISN and perform whatever action you want to test on that order. (So if you're testing for when an order is scheduled, you'll need to create a new order and schedule it with or without a report)

From here you can finish by choosing with Zap you want to connect your ISN to and where you want to send your data by following the on-screen prompts for that Zap.

For instance, you could have it add a new row to a google spreadsheet every time an order is created, or have it update your Google or Salesforce Contacts if a client or agent is updated or created in your ISN.

Please Note: You can only use a single trigger at a time at this time.

If you have any questions about this information please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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