Finding the ISN Zapier App
ISN provides a Zapier trigger for our users. It is currently listed as the ISN 'beta' App through Zapier. To access the ISN App in Zapier, click the link below:
Then you'll see a screen like this where you can either click to 'Login' via Google, Facebook. and Microsoft. Or click 'Sign up' if you don't have a Zapier account (they're free!)
Once you've chosen the email account and are logged in, you'll be taken to a screen to start creating your automations. You can use Zapier's AI beta feature to plug in an automation you'd like to create and have it help you create it.
For more information on how to set up your Zap, click here.
If you have any questions about this information please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.