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Creating Fill-In Forms

This article shows you how to create Fill-In Forms in the ISN.

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over a week ago

Fill-In Forms in the ISN are PDFs with fillable form fields added to them. These PDFs can be loaded into the system to pull text values from your orders in and pre-fill much of the data. (We are not able to import images into PDFs using the Fill-In Form system at this time, if you need an image on your PDF it will need to already exist on the PDF form itself).

This article will show you how to tie the fields in your PDF to the ISN's order form fields, however, if you send your completed PDF with form fields already in place, to, we can also get it loaded into your ISN for you.

PLEASE NOTE: This article only shows you how to assign the fields in your PDF to the different fields in your ISN. Creating Fillable Forms in the ISN requires that you have access to software in order to create fillable PDF forms.

  • If you have access to it, you can accomplish this with Adobe's Acrobat Pro software.

  • Otherwise, you can use a free option like PDFescape.

    (we have no affiliation with either software and cannot provide technical support on how to use them to create forms, it's just listed here as a courtesy).

Viewing your Fill-In Forms.

In your ISN navigate to Settings -- Office Settings -- My Office Settings -- Fill-In Forms

Here you'll see a list of any Fill-In Forms you already have created

Fill-In Form Buttons
Each Fill-In form will have its own set of controls:

i - Select the 'i' icon to download a blank version of your form.
Pencil  - Select the pencil icon to edit your form field associations.
Up Arrow - Select the up arrow to replace the PDF file itself with a new one, without having to create a whole new form.
Trash Can - Select the trash can icon to delete this form

Making a New Fill-In Form

Click Add a Fill-in Form in the upper left corner of the page.

On the next page, fill out the Form Title field with a name that makes this form easy for you to identify (this name is internal and will not be seen by your clients or agents).

Then hit Browse and select the PDF file you want to use.
Then click Add Fill-in Form PDF

Setting Up Form Fields

Once you've added your form to the ISN, you'll need to connect the actual field names in the PDF to the dropdown fields in your ISN.
Hit the Pencil icon to the left of your Fill-In Form

On the next page you'll be presented with a list of Current Fields and New Fields. The first time you edit your controls everything will be listed under New Fields.

Use the Additional Fields dropdown at the top of the page to add as many extra fields as you need.

For each field, you'll need to enter the Field Name from the PDF itself (this is most easily found by editing your PDF and looking at the form name (in Adobe Acrobat these names are found in the Prepare Form tool): 

Hit Save and those fields will move into the Current Fields area.

Note: All possible options for field mapping will show up in the dropdown list Field Value.

To learn how to download a Fill-In Form for a particular order, click here.

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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