Continued from Setting Up the Online Scheduler (Step 4)
The last piece of actual configuring you'll need to do in your online scheduler is on the 5th tab, for setting up emails and notifications.
The first thing you can do is set up a notification to go to someone in your office when an order is started by email and/or text. (Note: multiple emails or phone numbers CAN be entered but must be done with comma or semicolon separators e.g.,
You can also set up a text message to go out when the order is complete and the client has gone through every page of the scheduler (same rules apply as above for multiple numbers to be texted)
You can tell the ISN to send a specific email template to the client when an order is completed that simply confirms with them that the appointment is tentatively booked, pending review by your office.
While we don't recommend it, you can get similar controls for sending to the agents as well on an order when the online scheduler is done booking, just check one or both of these boxes.
You can also notify the inspector assigned to an order when a new order is placed by sending them a specific template (we have a stock template included in every ISN called Initial Inspector Notification for just such a purpose).
Lastly, there are a few options for emailing your office when an order is complete(we recommend this option) and emailing the insurance agent (useless unless you have the insurance agent field enabled under General Settings).
Once you've completed your changes you can hit the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page.