The Online Scheduler is a tool used to let your clients book inspections online from your website.
There are several steps involved to set up your online scheduler and get it usable on your website.
First go to Settings -- Office Settings -- Online Scheduler -- Online Scheduler V2 Settings
In the General Settings tab be sure to read through each of the settings to understand what they let you do, or what you can prevent.
We recommend you check the following boxes at minimum.
If you have the box Help schedule appointments using driving distances check off you can set the service radius and maximum drive distance to next appointment.
Hover your mouse over either control shows you the distance you're set to.
If you check off the option Allow coupons to be entered into the Online Scheduler you can limit the number of coupons that can be applied
The next section will allow you to decide if you want to limit the number of appointments per day, display a scheduling calendar with or without Inspector names, or to just show a list of appointment slots
The next two sections allow you to set up the required and available contact fields for your online scheduler.
You can choose to have your clients redirected to a specific page on your website after they finish going through the online scheduler.ย
The last section of the General Settings page lets you create a personalized message when there are no appointments available and also create a persistent banner message across the top of your scheduler.
Once you're done with General Settings you can hit Save Settings and move onto the Services Tab.