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Customizing Invoice Templates

This article shows you how you can customize your invoice templates.

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over a week ago

Make sure you've been through our help article about the new Invoicing System here.
You'll also need to make sure you have the new Invoice System enabled.

To customize your Invoice Templates in ISN, navigate to Settings -- Office Settings -- Interacting with Clients and Agents -- Invoice Templates

You'll be presented with a screen that shows a list of your current invoice templates, along with controls to create new ones. Any headers with up and down arrow icons by them can be used to sort your templates.

  1. Name: This shows the name of your template.

  2. Default: Indicates if that template is the default or not.

  3. Payor: Indicates who the default payor of the invoice is.

  4. State: Indicates which states this invoice is applicable to.

  5. Inspection Types: Indicates which inspection types this invoice is applicable to.

  6. Services: Indicates which services this invoice is applicable to.

  7. Fees: Shows which fees can be used in this invoice.

  8. Last Modified: Shows who made the last changes to each invoice, and when.

  9. Delete: This icon can be used to delete an invoice template. (invoices already sent form this template will still be accessible)

  10. Active/Deleted: Lets you switch between viewing your active or deleted invoice templates.

  11. Add Invoice Template This is the button you'll use to create a new invoice template.

  12. Edit: This is the button you'll hit to edit an invoice.

  13. Actions - Click this dropdown to access your invoice actions.

  14. Actions -- View/Print Invoice: Pre-loads the invoice with data from your last entered inspection and allows you to view/print it as a point of reference.

  15. Actions -- Copy Invoice: Creates a copy of the invoice template. Good for wanting to use an invoice template as a baseline, but then make substantial modifications.

Creating a new invoice template

Note: Unless you are extensively familiar with HTML coding, we recommend using the copy invoice function.

First, you'll hit Actions -- Copy Invoice next to the invoice you want to use as a baseline for creating your own.

The system will make a new invoice with (copy) appended to the name.
Then hit the pencil icon to edit your invoice:

There are a number of sections and controls on the next screen for you to use to customize your invoice template!
Below you'll find the template editing area broken down into several sections:

  1. Name: This is where you'll set the name of the template. Make sure the name is clear and intelligible! This can appear in the client's view if you send them a link to the invoice dashboard page for your order!

  2. State: This can be used to determine which states this invoice template is valid for in Email Events and SMS Events.

  3. Due: Sets the default value for the Due box (this can still be changed via a dropdown when you manually send an invoice)

  4. Payor: Sets the default value for the payor (this can still be changed via a dropdown when you manually send an invoice)

  5. Terms: Free-form text field where you can enter any necessary terms you'd like to have show up on the invoice.

  6. Info Note: This is an important callout about how States, Inspection Types, and Services work with to filter your invoice types in Email and SMS Events.

  7. Back to Invoice Templates: This button takes you back to your list of invoice templates without saving any changes.

Associated Inspection Types
This section is where you can set applicable inspection types for your invoice (again, this only impacts email events and SMS events).

  1. Search: Lets you search for specific inspection types (helpful if you have several)

  2. Check All: This selects all inspection types immediately. (Helpful for selecting all and then unselecting a few.)

  3. List of Inspection Types: Here is where all of the inspection types in your system will be listed for the invoice. You can check the box next to each one to opt it in or out. Leaving all unchecked will make this invoice template send for all inspection types.

  4. Information callout about how this section works.

  5. +/-: The +/- symbol expands and contracts this section.

Associated Services
This section is where you can set applicable services for your invoice (again, this only impacts email events and SMS events).

  1. Search: Lets you search for specific services (helpful if you have several)

  2. Check All: This selects all services immediately. (Helpful for selecting all and then unselecting a few.)

  3. List of Services: Here is where all of the services in your system will be listed for the invoice. You can check the box next to each one to opt it in or out. Leaving all unchecked will make this invoice template send for all services.

  4. Information callout about how this section works.

  5. +/-: The +/- symbol expands and contracts this section.

Associated Fees
This section is where you can set applicable fees for your invoice. If you check off a few fees, those are the only ones that will be able to show up on this invoice (helpful for creating invoices that will only be for a specific service, like VA Loan Termite). 

  1. Search: Lets you search for specificfees (helpful if you have several)

  2. Check All: This selects all fees immediately. (Helpful for selecting all and then unselecting a few.)

  3. List of Services: Here is where all of the fees in your system will be listed for the invoice. You can check the box next to each one to opt it in or out. Leaving all unchecked will make this invoice template send for all fees.

  4. Information callout about how this section works.

  5. +/-: The +/- symbol expands and contracts this section.

Save History
This section shows you how the revision history of your invoice template.

  1. Name: Shows the name of the template.

  2. Created: Shows the who made a revision, and when.

  3. Edit: Click this button to go back and edit the template with an earlier version of it.

  4. +/-: The +/- symbol expands and contracts this section.

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Editor
When you get to the bottom section of editing your invoice template, you'll see an area where you can edit the actual layout and content of your template, similar to editing email templates.

  1. Insert Image or Attach File (as Link): Here you can add images to your invoice (like a company logo or some sort of graphic), or a file as a link (for something like terms of service). Note: Images or files that are added here will be placed into the editing window (item 3) wherever your cursor is currently active, so make sure to click with your mouse where you want them to show up!

  2. Replacement Values: This is a drop down of replacement values you can add to your invoice template. Note: values selected from this dropdown will be placed into the editing window wherever your cursor is active, so make sure to click with your mouse where you want them to show up!

  3. Edit Screen: This is where you can edit the actual content of your invoice. You'll see a number of replacement values there which you'll want to take care not to edit too heavily. If you have questions about what sort of changes you can make, or how to do something, feel free to shoot us an email at or by opening a chat in the upper right corner of your ISN!

  4. Save: Make sure to save any changes you want to keep!

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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