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Replacement Values

This article explains what a replacement value (RV) is in ISN and lists many commonly used built-in RVs

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over 5 months ago

The ISN template system, which includes email and calendar templates, allows for inserting values pertaining to inspection orders and all associated parties. In addition to the values listed here, you can use your Order Form Fields as replacement values as well. To use an Order Form Field, just head over to your Settings-> Office Settings -> and under the heading: Inspection and Fee settings, click on Customize Order Form. This is where your controls of interest are located. Once you click on the edit control icon, you will see a column containing the replacement value for each control on the far right hand side of the grid.

Everything encapsulated in %'s is a replacement value:

This is how that data translates:

The following is a list of Replacement Values organized by function:












%inspector2displayname% (Up to %inspector9displayname%)
%inspector2signature100% (Up to %inspector9signature100%)



Mandatory Initials %clientinitial1% %clientinitial2% %clientinitial3% %clientinitial4% %clientinitial5% %clientinitial6% %clientinitial7% %clientinitial8% %clientinitial9%

Optional Initials %clientinitialoptional1% %clientinitialoptional2% %clientinitialoptional3% %clientinitialoptional4% %clientinitialoptional5% %clientinitialoptional6%%clientinitialoptional7% %clientinitialoptional8% %clientinitialoptional9%




Buyers Agent





Sellers Agent






Insurance Agent


Contacts (for mass mails)



Escrow Agent:

Escrow Agent Office:

Escrow General:

Your Office 



Social Media Marketing %officegoogleplusbutton% %officelinkedinbutton% %officeyoutubebutton% %officefacebookbutton% %officeyelpbutton% %officeangieslistbutton% %officetwitterbutton% %officeinstagrambutton%



%is-confirmed% - Ties to the confirmed/office status of grid column


%googlemap512% - The size of the google map photo 512 pixels
%googlemap512link% - The size of the google map photo via URL/website 512 pixels
%googlemap250% - The size of the google map photo 250 pixels
%googlemap250link% - The size of the google map photo via URL/website 250 pixels
%googlemap100% - The size of the google map photo 100 pixels
%googlemap100link% - The size of the google map photo via URL/website 100 pixels
%fee-base-formatted-value% - The inspection fee based on a formatted value
%fee-base-formatted-value-with-coupon% - The inspection fee based on a formatted value with a coupon
%propertyphoto100% - The size of the property photo-100 pixels
%propertyphoto150% - The size of the property photo-150 pixels
%propertyphoto250% - The size of the property photo 250 pixels
%propertyphotourl100% - The size of the property photo via URL/webpage 100 pixels
%propertyphotourl150% - The size of the property photo via URL/webpage 150 pixels
%propertyphotourl250% - The size of the property photo via URL/webpage 250 pixels

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