If your company utilizes multiple agreements and inspections types, the ISN can simplify the work for you by allowing you to associate a specific Agreement to a specific Inspection Type.
Go to Settings -- Office Settings -- Inspection and Fee Settings -- Agreements.
Click on Associate Agreements and Inspection Types
Choose the Inspection Type and the Agreement you want associated by clicking on boxes on the right hand side.
Now when you choose the inspection type during a new order, the ISN will know what agreement(s) to send to the client for that inspection and your clients signature(s).
NOTE: If you have multiple agreements in your ISN, and do NOT HAVE THEM ASSOCIATED to any inspection types, your default agreement will be sent out with all inspection types.
If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at help@inspectionsupport.com, or phone at (800) 700-8112.