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Setting up the Sample Report Feature

This article shows you how to use ISNs Sample Report Feature

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over 2 years ago

You can now send an example of what your home inspection reports will look like to potential clients or agents, right from your ISN, ISN Mobile, or with the Real Estate Professional Dashboard!

Setup is very simple and only requires a few steps!

First, you'll want to create an email template for sending your Sample Report out with! You have two options here:

  1. You can go to Email -- Get Templates and Containers in your ISN and add the template 'Sample Inspection Report from %company%' to your system.


  2. You can create your own email template, using these replacement values:%sample-report-url% (returns a long URL like
    %sample-report-link% (returns a hyperlink to the file that says 'click here') under Email -- My Email Templates.

For info on using the template library click here.
For more info on creating email templates click here.

Next, go in your ISN go to Settings -- Office Settings -- Interacting with my Clients and Agents -- Sample Report Options

On this page you'll be able to select a sample report file (Note: ISN does not have sample report files available, you will need to provide this in a PDF file format.)

Once your file is selected and loaded you can choose which email template is used (you'll select that template you created or added from the first step here!)

On this screen you can also check the little checkbox to display the sample report on the RED as well.

Once you've uploaded your report and set your options, hit Save Settings.

Once you've finished setup, click here to see how to use the feature!

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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