Here is how to integrate HomeGauge with ISN:
Navigate to your HomeGauge Dashboard and click on "Account Settings"
Under "Account Settings" click on Homegauge Partners
Navigate to the bottom of the partners list and click on "Inspection Support Network Settings (ISN)"
Please ensure the inspector is logged into the ISN as themselves or you assume the user of the ISN inspector to ensure you generate the correct Access Key Information!
From there you will need to enter the following ISN information:
access key -OR- username
secret key -OR- password
To get them in your ISN click on Settings --> My Access Keys
Then, turn on ISN Integration, Enter your Company Key, User Key and User Secret Key. Don't forget to hit "SAVE"
After turning on the ISN setting, the menu in the HG software for HG Services -> Download Online Appointments will retrieve the data and download the footprints/appointments from ISN. If there were too many jobs to grab the process may be very slow or could time out / not work. Deleting some of the older footprints should help the process.
Please Note Each inspector will need to log in with his own user name and password to be able to see his inspections. An office manager or another user can not log in and see all inspections.