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Using HomeBinder

This article covers using HomeBinder with ISN

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over 3 years ago

So you want to know how to use your HomeBinder! We can help!

Make sure you have already integrated your ISN with HomeBinder.
(Click here for information on how to set up the HomeBinder Integration with ISN)

If you have... The following information will help you understand how to use your HomeBinder.

First you must log into your HomeBinder.

Then you will see ISN on the left... Click ISN

This will bring up all the ISN inspection orders that you have ready for HomeBinder. If you don't see an inspection order listed, you may need to recreate the footprint in ISN. This link will show you how.ย 

From the list you will choose which inspection you want to create a binder for.

You will now see your binder information. You will click on the sections and complete the information. Information from ISN should have auto filled for you.

As you work your way down the binder information you will see - and + signs on the right to expand the areas and input information.

When you get down to the Maintenance Items, you will be able to add or delete items. The original set up for this section and other sections should be done in your settings area while setting up your HomeBinder. Although you can go back into settings and make adjustments at any time.

The Documents section is where you will upload your clients Inspection Report via PDF.

Your final section is Transfer Binder.... Once you have transferred your binder you will not be able to access it again for any reason.

Thank you for using ISN Help Articles to assist you with your HomeBinder.

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