After your inspection has been completed and uploaded to your ISN you can email a report to the client.
Go to Inspections --> Scheduled Inspections
Click Actions -- Email Inspection Report:
Or click the envelope icon if you have icons turned on:
Click on the appropriate persons emails you want to send the report to then click on Email Report to send the report as a link. If you send your report this will allow you to track who viewed your report and choose to get a text or email when it has been viewed. A red information box will appear at the top of your screen telling you the email was sent.
You can also tell it to attach all 'Order Attachments' to the email or tell it to "Not protect this report" and have it also include the report as an attachment.
NOTE: This is good for clients who can't open links for some reason, but will remove ISN's ability to prevent a report from being viewed before payment is received and the agreement(s) signed.
If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.