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Privilege Definitions

This article covers user privilege definitions

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over 3 years ago

When you have a new employee you wish to add to your ISN, the first step is to create a new user by following the steps documented in this help article.

Once the user has been created, you can use the following details n determining what privileges their account will need in order for them to perform the functions of their job within your ISN.

Account Enabled: Selecting activates the user’s account, allowing them to log in, and expands the privileges menu to reveal the first level of user account configuration.

Manually Complete Inspections: Leaving deselected prevents the user from errantly completing inspections that cannot be set back to incomplete. Selecting gives the user the ability to complete inspections regardless of whether all information has been gathered, agreements have been signed, payments have been received, etc.

User Administrator: Leaving deselected limits the user to resetting only their own password under the Administration menu. Selecting gives the user the ability to edit all user accounts, but limits the possible settings to only those that have been selected for their own account.

Access to the Company Log: Selecting gives the user access to Settings-->Company Settings-->Company Settings History and View Order History. Must be selected in combination with Clear the Company Log File selection below.

Access to Business Reporting: Leaving deselected limits the user to viewing only their own Inspection history. Selecting gives the user access to all of the reports in your ISN

Access to Client, Agent and Contact Lists: Leaving deselected keeps the Client/Agents menu hidden from the user. Selecting gives the user access to all of the Client/Agent/Agency/Contacts menu items

Office Administrator: Selecting expands Office Administrator user options and gives the user access to the Tools menu

Office Administrator-->Edit Inspections: Selecting expands the Edit Inspections user options

Office Administrator-->Edit Inspections-->Edit Completed Inspections: Leaving deselected prevents the user from editing Completed Inspections. Selecting permits the user to edit Completed Inspections.

Office Administrator-->Edit Inspections-->Edit Unscheduled Inspections: Leaving deselected prevents the user from editing Unscheduled Inspections. Selecting permits the user to edit Unscheduled Inspections.

Office Administrator-->Edit Inspections-->Delete Inspections: Leaving deselected prevents the user from deleting inspections. Selecting permits the user to delete inspections.

Office Administrator-->Edit Inspections-->Delete Unscheduled Inspections: Leaving deselected prevents the user from deleting unscheduled inspections. Selecting permits the user to delete unscheduled inspections.

Office Administrator-->Undelete Clients, Agents or Agencies: Leaving deselected hides the View Deleted Agents/Agencies button from the user when viewing Agents, or Agencies. Selecting displays the View Deleted Agents/Agencies button and permits the user to undo the deletion of agents or agencies. This selection also gives the user access to Private Notes. (Note: This selection only applies to users with the Access to Client and Agent Lists selection above checked.)

Office Administrator-->Create Inspections: Leaving deselected hides the New Order menu option and prevents the user from creating orders for inspections. Selecting displays the New Order menu option and permits the user to create new inspection orders.

Company Calendar Access: Leaving deselected limits the user to viewing/editing only their own calendar events on the ISN calendar. Selecting allows the user to view/edit the events for all users in the company.

Can edit availability slots on My Online Schedule page: Selecting allows the user to view/edit time slots for inspectors at Calendar-->My Online Schedule.

Can block days on My Online Schedule page: Selecting allows the user to block existing time slots for inspectors at Calendar-->My Online Schedule.

View All Inspections regardless of Owner(s): Leaving deselected limits the user to viewing only their own inspections. Selecting allows them to view all inspections, and enables access to the Map Upcoming Inspections feature.

Manually mark an Order as Signed: Selecting allows the user to manually mark inspection orders as signed without a client signature submitted to all required agreements.

Upload/Download Client List: Leaving deselected hides the Download Clients button from the Clients list. Selecting displays the Download Clients button and allows the user to download a list of all of the Clients saved in the ISN.

Upload/Download Agent List: Leaving deselected hides the Download Agents button from the Agents list. Selecting displays the Download Agents button and allows the user to download a list of all of the agents saved in the ISN.

Marketing System Access: Selecting adds the Agency Relationship Manager, and Mobile ARM options (if Marketing Dashboard enabled) to the Tools menu for the user.

Remove Signed Agreements: Selecting allows the user to remove signatures from signed agreements.

View Inspection Payment Information: Leaving deselected hides the Edit Inspection Payment Information option in user configuration and restricts the user from being able to view the payment information for Inspection orders. Selecting shows the Edit Inspection Payment Information option and allows it to be selected.

View Inspection Payment Information-->Edit Inspection Payment Information: Leaving deselected prevents the user from editing the payment information they can see View Inspection Payment Information is selected. Selecting allows the user to edit inspection order payment information.

Owner Access: Leaving deselected hides the owner level user administration options, and the Company and Office Settings menus. It also hides the Email Templates, Containers and Events editing menus. Selecting displays owner level user administration options and all ISN menus.

Owner Access-->Clear the Company Log File: Leaving deselected hides the company log file options. Selecting displays the company log file options to the user and allows the user to view and clear them. This privilege also gives the user access to view order histories.

Owner Access-->User Office Editing: Leaving deselected hides the User Administration menu. Selecting displays the User Administration menu and gives the user authority to edit all user accounts, but limits the possible settings to only those that have been selected for their own account. (Note: Same basic function as User Administration above, but including the Owner level menu access in ISN)

Owner Access-->Mass Email Access: Leaving deselected hides the My Mass Emails menu option. Selecting displays the My Mass Emails menu option and allows the user to create and edit Mass Emails within the ISN.

Remember to Select the Save Changes button when editing is complete.

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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