Would you like to personalize an email template with an agent's photograph?
Using the replacement value you'll find within your template from the drop-down area, simply place your cursor within the text box where you want the picture to be then choose the replacement value for the size photo you want to appear in your email. Be sure to Save Changes when you are done.
Preview your email template to see if you have your desired size.
Whatever your marketing plans, your agents will love this! Now you're marketing for them which in turn means, along with the great inspections and customer service you provide, they will continue referring and coming back to you over and over again. Better still, when they share with or another agent in their office sees how above and beyond you go for the agent, they to will want to give you a try as well. You can't buy better advertising and all for free using the Inspection Support Network.
All of the business emails you have the system automatically send out on your behalf just confirms the level of professionalism you provide to everyone. Let the ISN help bring you more business and make you more money!
If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at help@inspectionsupport.com, or phone at (800) 700-8112.