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Add Agent Photo

This article covers adding a photo to one of your agents

Sydney Honda avatar
Written by Sydney Honda
Updated over a week ago

Adding agent photos to your databases is a fantastic idea for so many reasons and can be relatively easy to find and then added/uploaded to your ISN.

Most agent photos can be found on the agent's website or the agency website they work for or are associated with. Social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. can be another great resource to obtain your agent's photos.

When you find a photo of the agent, simply right-click with your computer's mouse and do a Save As. Rename and save the photo to your desktop or a folder that you have created for the photos.

To upload the agent photo to your ISN, navigate to Clients/Agents -- Agents -- Agents:

Click on the photo icon on the agent grid (as seen below) for the agent whose photo you want to add/upload.

A window will open where you can click on Choose or Browse, which will then direct you to your personal computer and you will find and click on the photo then click Upload Photo.

How to add a photo from the order form

A recent ISN update provided one of most requested features from ISN users: Add Agent Photo from within the order form!

The agent photo can be added for an existing agent that is already in your ISN database, and the agent is part of a new order, or for a new agent that is being added from within the order.

When searching and selecting an exiting agent or adding a new agent, the Upload Photo icon will appear, as seen below:

Once the photo is loaded, the image will appear, and also allow you the ability to update, if needed.

Where does this show up?

Report Delivery Page - When sent to clients it shows the agent's photo and can contain a short bio of the agent (if desired), providing the client with personalized information about the agent. Great additional marketing for the agent!

Order Form - The photo embeds into the order form and will allow the inspector to already be familiar with who the agent is, and provide more personalized attention at the time of the inspection.

Labels and Postcards - Looking for more ways to market to your agents?
From the order grid click Actions -- Print labels and postcards. Then choose the template for a postcard with the agent’s photo, print up a page or two and deliver them to your agents so they in turn can give them to their clients. You make the agent look good to their clients, while you look great to the agent by doing their marketing for them!! Another awesome feature of the ISN!

If you have any questions about this process please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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