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10/29/24 Updates
Written by Lindsay Grimm
Updated over 3 months ago


Updated the credit card convenience fee system to now be called the "transaction surcharge" system. We will be making some additional changes in the coming months to ensure the transaction surcharge is being displayed to customers even before they have selected their payment method.

Made some incremental updates to the speed of the Google Sync. (More are coming after some further investigation into options.)

Updated the look and feel of the Settings β†’ Office settings β†’ Cancel Reasons page.


Fixed an issue where Agency Relationship Manager (ARM) dashboard widgets were not loading.

Fixed an issue where the "email attachments" functionality on an order was not displaying the option to send it to multiple clients where there is more than one client on an order.

Fixed an issue where the View Email Message Info page was not displaying the order ID (OID).

Fixed an issue where client replacement values were not always grabbing order-specific client info in the case where there are multiple clients on an order.

Fixed an issue in the mobile app where an inspection that was assigned to a specific inspector was not displaying in the "Me" tab of their inspection search.

Fixed an issue where you could not delete an ISN user if the user's name included an apostrophe.


The engineering team continues to make upgrades to our system to help things run smooth and fast.

If you have any questions about this information please let us know! You can reach us by chat, email at, or phone at (800) 700-8112.

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